#MIKEVANEKSUCKS The Blog: A look at Glitchkill


A look at Glitchkill

By Mike Vanek

Today’s quest to bring you good music brings up a quandary. Imagine starting a band and right after you form the pandemic hits...

GlitchKill is a 4 piece metal band from Modesto California. GlitchKill is a throwback to awesome industrial metal bands of the past like FEAR FACTORY with current elements of awesome modern heavy metal. This band is abound with technical brilliance in their musicianship and it shows with their debut record entitled “Hindsight” released in January of 2021...

Like I mentioned before this crew of Central Valley musicians formed in early 2020 only to have COVID-19 hit em in the face before they could get established in the local scene but did they let that bother them??? The answer is an abundant FUCK NO!! The band went right to work on their debut record above mention and boy howdy did they do a fantastic on it!! 

Hindsight is an absolutely hellacious record of technical mastery and lyrical abandonment to the form of diabolically insane songs carefully crafted to the ear of the listener... The record opens with apocalyptic paramilitary imagery and blasts right into layers of a blistering metal attack of one of metal’s most vicious new bands!! With songs like “trigger pull eminent” “State of Rage” and my track on the record “The Filthy” opens with a display of the technical tapping ability of CRUSHER one of my favorite bass players in the area over the last 20 years. 

GlitchKill features the brilliant Travis Miller on guitar (Ex-Etched in Stone) David “CRUSHER” Yanez mesmerizes on one of his custom basses (Ex-Nothing but losers, Skin 4 Julia, Warpath Assassins, Etched in Stone, Bavmorda) The earth-shattering drums of Aaron Jones (Nothing But Losers, Ex-Etched in stone) and Vocals of Veteran vocalist Shane Leon (Ex-DEEM, Aimaora, Mind of a machine) to bring you the monstrous sound of GLITCHKILL!!!

I recently spoke to a couple of the guys and here is what they had to say... I asked CRUSHER: “What were your influences on this record and how was the recording process for you??” To which he answered: “Influences for this album were more like lack of influences!! No shows... Nothing open... Stuck at home when not working... So I’d say it’s been the crazy year it’s been has been the main influence. 

The recording process was easy since we all have in-house recording daws... Kind of a pain to get studio time when it was at Max pandemic. Learning in house daw recording is going to make it to where we don’t have to worry about retakes or changes. It’s been a good experiment that doesn't cost us to redo besides the initial daw purchase and plugins... I then asked guitarist Travis Miller the following question: “What was the writing process like for this record and how would you compare it to other projects you’ve done?” To which he answered: “This project has been a lot more collaborative than other projects I’ve been in. Usually, a song will start with an idea that one of us comes up with then we’ll either record the idea or just jam it at practice and kind of workshop it a bit. We all contribute ideas as to where a song should go or what they feel it should have. We work like a democracy where we all have equal say so on everything from the song parts to visuals and everything else gets voted on. We try not to let our individual egos get in the way so that the best ideas shine through...

For more information on GLITCHKILL follow the band on Instagram, Facebook, and where ever you get your do media...

Listen to the new album on Spotify and all other major platforms...



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