#MIKEVANEKSUCKS The Blog: A look at Forest of Jinn
#MIKEVANEKSUCKS The Blog: A Look at Forest of Jinn By Mike Vanek The Appalachian Mountains are as beautiful as it gets. It can also be a dark desolate place where you are Isolated from so society, Especially if you are kids that play black metal. Hailing from Wears Valley Tennesee Forest of Jinn is a Black Metal band that draws from the cold dark mountains of East Tennesee. Labeled as Apalacian Ritual Black Metal Forest of Jinn's music is dark, complex, and mesmerizing licks that transform into udderly intense Black Metal. The band's debut album entitled "Aag Ke Ped" is a throwback to the crusty depths of the origins of gritty black metal bands of days past. Released on Holloween of 2020, This 3 song EP that can be found on Itunes, Spotify, or wherever you download music is a devilish detour of your everyday norm that makes you contemplate life in a different hue of black... Starting as a solo project in 2016 Forest of Jinn resurfaced in 2019 consisting of Vocalist,...